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Average hourly labor costs in EU (European Union) countries in 2022 were reviewed in an article published on the official website of the European Union, Eurostat, on 30 March 2016. 2023.
Luxembourg has the highest hourly labor costs at 51 euros, while Bulgaria has the lowest at 8 euros.

For the purposes of this analysis, let’s use Bulgari, the country with the lowest wages in Europe.

If you work 40 hours per week in Bulgaria (no less than that for a healthy, non-disabled person), then:

8 euros x 40 hours = 163,598 NGN (8 euros = 4,089.95 NGN)

Multiply those 40 hours by 4, which is 4 weeks in a month, and you get:


163,598 NGN x 4 = 654,392 NGN

This means that a Nigerian working in the poorest of the EU countries can boast a salary of more than 500,000 per month converted to Nigerian Naira.

Should we still analyze the highest-paying country in the EU, Luxembourg?  With this here, I don’t think it would be necessary.

It is truly a loss of human dignity to offer a job that does not change your standard of living.

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